Stanimir Neroev

Stanimir has over 12 years of experience in software development and is currently working as a Senior Java Developer at EGT Interactive. His main focus at the moment is on Java EE and concurrency. Stanimir has a wide range of responsibilities within the company. He is leading one of the key development teams and he’s also managing the training program for Junior Java Developers. Stanimir has trained and mentored some of the most promising developers in EGT Interactive’s back-end department and is still nurturing and developing new talents.

Problem-solving concepts and strategies

All Days,Day 1 - 27th Nov 17:20-18:00 All Halls,Hall 3.1 #J2D Advanced Novice

In this lecture, Stanimir will share good practices in the problem-solving process. Based on his personal experience, he would give advice on how to gain the confidence we need, when we are looking for a solution. How to build and analyze a set of alternatives, which approach towards the problem should we choose and many more aspects, regarding the problem-solving process are to be covered by Stanimir.