Nikola Bogdanov
Nikola Bogdanov is an Agile enthusiast with deep interests in people, team and organizational facilitation and coaching. He works as an Agile Coach in REWE Digital GmbH, which is a part of the REWE Group.
Nikola has worked as an Agile Coach, Scrum Master and Agile Leader in the last several years. He has more than 10 years of experience in IT industry, taking part in big and small companies, having many different roles from Software Engineer to Organizational Agile Coach.
You can often see him presenting different aspects of Agile and Lean approaches at conferences, trainings and public lectures. He transforms his appetite for Agile into lifestyle. He is also a university teacher, lecturing Agile and Lean in the past 4 years at the University of Sofia, where he is working on his PhD focused on Agile.
Nikola combines strong technical background, an academic knowledge and rich expertise. He shares his knowledge and experience through helping, coaching and lecturing modern methodologies, implementing and examining Agile and Lean in dynamic environments.
Domain-driven design, CQRS and Event sourcing
Self-organizing scrum teams are just not enough! As per the Agile Manifesto “The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.”, which is true. According the Conway’s law it is also true the opposite, every great team and working smooth is not possible without great architecture.
Microservices and practices like DDD, Event sourcing and CQRS are the answer of enabling the Agility. In REWE Digital we have learned a lot from these practices and we want to share the lessons learned, showing also some real examples, of course everything is Java based. The whole stack is super impressive, we use Spring boot, Apache Kafka and many more.